Request Details

CategoryRemovals - Transports > Home Removal / Furniture / Appliances
Date Posted18 / 04 / 2024 - 18:50

Offer Details

Moving CompanySAKIS.ARIS
Offer Amount (excl. VAT)0.00
Offer Date23 / 04 / 2024 - 09:19
Expiry Date30 / 04 / 2024
Shipping MethodΑπευθείας
Offer StatusCancelled


SAKIS.ARIS23 / 04 / 2024 - 09:19Καλημέρα σας, πείτε μας πόσα κιβώτια έχετε γιατί δεν το αναφέρετε.
Roro5623 / 04 / 2024 - 10:03Hi. How much are you asking for this?
Roro5623 / 04 / 2024 - 10:35Sorry I did not see your message above. I will calculate how many boxes I have and I will send you the details soon.
Roro5623 / 04 / 2024 - 11:50I have around 6 boxes (60x40x40) , one big sofa, one double sized bed, a bike, a dishwasher, a table, and some small cabinets
SAKIS.ARIS23 / 04 / 2024 - 11:58We want you to tell us how many cabinets you have and with what dimensions Length* Width* Height
Roro5623 / 04 / 2024 - 12:00actually forget about the cabinets, we will not bring them.
Roro5623 / 04 / 2024 - 12:17Why did you cancel? We will not bring the cabinets, they are cheap so we can buy them from Greece. We will still want to bring the other ones.

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